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Timothy D. O'Brien

HP Certified Consultant

last modified: 09/13/02


To exercise and expand my skills in system and network security with a focus on intrusion detection.


Hewlett-Packard Company – Columbus, Ohio
Account Support Engineer (Proactive support for mission-critical accounts) 5/2001 to present

·        Provide proactive support services (patch analyses, business consulting, disaster recovery planning, etc.) for many accounts in Central Ohio and West Virginia.

·        Coordinate various methods of hardware and software support for external customers.

·        Deliver Security Assessments to HP customers consisting of reviews of physical and system security, policy completeness, and adherence to industry best practices.

·        Perform liaison functions between customers and miscellaneous internal HP departments.

·        Provide escalation support during resolution of difficult technical problems.


DIS Research Ltd. - Columbus, Ohio
Technical Services Delivery Consultant located at Qwest Communications 5/2000 to present

·        Provided UNIX expertise for internal customer projects (new installs, migrations, others).

·        Implemented SSH and custom scripts for secure database copies through firewall.

·        Performed liaison duties between Technical Services department and Change Management department.

·        Assisted junior administrators with scripting and other operating system concepts.

IBM Global Services - Columbus, Ohio
Tools, Process, and Security Technical Lead 6/99 to 5/2000

·        Interfaced with IBM and Bank One security personnel in the development of common standards and practices.

·        Researched tools and methodologies for centralized security and configuration management.

·        Worked with a multi-locational group to create a procedures manual governing my team's execution of recognized system management disciplines including: Problem Management, Change Management, Performance Management, Capacity Planning, and Service Level Management.

Bank One (hired) - IBM Global Services (outsourced in 9/98) - Columbus, Ohio
UNIX System Administrator 2/97 to 6/99 (promoted to Technical Lead)

·        Supported high visibility credit and loan application servers.
·   13 HP-UX servers (mostly K580s), up to 6,500 concurrent users
·   2 EMC disk arrays.
·   3 fax servers (32 lines each) averaging 90,000 faxes per week.

·        Supported application reporting on performance of financial instruments to executive Bank management.
·   NCR 3600 running MP-RAS and Teradata
·   Tight availability constraints.

·        Overhauled a failing faxing environment by proposing and implementing newer, more efficient fax servers.
·   Increased fax performance (% faxed in < five minutes) from 60% to greater than 97% (against a service level of 95%).
·   Automated the reporting of fax volumes and trends.

·        Created automatic load balancing scripts.

·        Installed and patched HP-UX 10.20 and 11.0 on K580 and T520 servers.

·        Configured UNIX kernel for large number of concurrent users (over 1,200).

·        Worked with database developers to configure kernel for performance.

·        Installed and configured Network Node Manager and IT/Operations.

·        Worked with LVM to manage disk space on HP machines.

·        Documented procedures for disaster recovery exercises.

·        Participated in disaster recovery exercises (recovery of database, communication, and fax servers at a remote site).

·        Trained junior System Administrators in scripting and file system, security, process, printing, etc. concepts.

·        Interfaced with database developers and "line of business" managers to work out problems and mature the application.

Software One, Inc. - Columbus, Ohio
System Analyst, Consultant, Administrator 4/94 to 2/97

·        Taught “Introduction to UNIX” class for new employees and customers.

·        Defined, quoted and coded custom programming projects.

·        Trained client operators in system procedures.

·        Installed, tuned, and administrated client and internal UNIX systems.

·        Configured and regenerated UNIX system kernel for performance.

·        Wrote shell scripts to automate system and database tasks.

·        Diagnosed, repaired, and performed hardware troubleshooting.

·        Specified multiple client backup strategies.

·        Proposed offsite storage plans.

·        Provided disaster recovery services.

·        Modified, installed, and supported several accounting packages.

·        Designed, wrote, and implemented database conversion utilities.

·        Served client base of 650+ companies.

Offis Corporation - Wallingford, Connecticut
System Analyst, Consultant, Administrator 11/90 to 4/94

·        Performed software development on NCR, SCO, Novell and PC platforms.

·        Modified, installed, and supported several accounting packages.

·        Defined and coded custom programming projects.

·        Trained clients in system management principles.

·        End-user support of DOS, UNIX, WordPerfect, FoxBASE, Windows, etc.



·        HP OpenView - Network Node Manager Certified Consultant

Continuing Education


·        SANS2000 - Intrusion Detection Immersion Curriculum


·        Advanced Linux Administration


·        HP MC/ServiceGuard

·        HP OpenView - IT/Operations for System Administrators

·        HP OpenView - Network Node Manager for UNIX Administrators

·        HP-UX Network Administration

·        Hands-On With Logical Volume Manager and MirrorDisk/UX

·        HP-UX 10.x System Administration for HP9000 Systems


·        NCR Large Systems Architecture

·        NCR 5100 Administration Workstation

·        SVR4 MP-RAS System Administration Concepts


·        General interest in and study of Linux with a concentration in security tools and firewalls.

·        SCO UNIX System Administration

·        RM COBOL Language and Development Tools

Pensacola Christian College
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, 1990 - focus in COBOL, FORTRAN, Assembler, logic

·        Minors: Psychology and Bible, concentration in oral and written communication

·        President of Zeta Chi Delta men's collegian - 1989

·        Two-year Academic Scholarship for outstanding ACT scores

Skills related to position sought:

·        Scored well on final testing after SANS 2000 Intrusion Detection Curriculum

·        Familiar with Linux based firewalls, vulnerability scanners, hardening techniques

·        HP-IPSec  /  HP-IPFilter  /  HP-IDS9000

·        HP-UX 10.x, 11.0, 11i  /  NCR MP-RAS UNIX (SVR4)  /  Sun Interactive UNIX 4.2

·        AT&T UNIX  /  Windows (NT4.0,'95,'98,2K)  /  SCO UNIX/XENIX  /  Novell (3.x,4.x)

·        ssh v1 & v2  /  awk  /  sed  /  vi  /  C based languages  /  csh  /  ksh  /  tcsh  /  bash

·        TCP/IP  /  SNA  /  XCOM  /  hubs, routers