Timothy O'Brien

last modified: 12/24/01    at: o'dark-hundred
Clock requires Netscape

Clock courtesy of  The U.S. Naval Observatory.
Time courtesy of  God.
The clock requires Netscape.
If you are using Internet Explorer, you have two choices:
1) Look at your watch. 2) Download this helpful utility.

Purpose:  This page is obviously not a professionally developed page.  It is simply intended as a holding place for our resumés, family photos, and favorite links.  No warranty is stated or implied.  Enter at your own risk.  As always, no wagering.  Please, read the standard disclaimer.

Exculpation:  This page was designed to be intentionally "low-bandwidth".  This means that I chose to forgo the dancing bears, chirping songs, and other gimcracks that one expects on a home page.  If I get bored, I may choose to make you sit through some cool Java effects.  WHAT?!  But, Tim!  You are always preaching about the security implications of running around with Java enabled.  Yeah, well, go install a virus checker. Plus, you can trust MY Java.

My home church http://cbbc.net
Searchable Bible on-line http://cbbc.net/KJV/
Free Bible software http://cbbc.net/olb/
Resumé of an IT Manager Use email link below to request a copy.
Resumé of an IT Consultant Timothy O'Brien's Resumé
Text only picture of my girls My girls
Side-by-side comparison of Bible versions KJV and NIV
Computer documentation of interest to me. Just HOWTOs for now
OLD and ugly page of links I find interesting
(useful may be an overstatement)
Useful links (out-of-date)
nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zippo, gesphincto.  It is over, now go home. nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zippo, gesphincto.  It is over, now go home. nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zippo, gesphincto.  It is over, now go home. nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zippo, gesphincto.  It is over, now go home. nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zippo, gesphincto.  It is over, now go home.
any all as a phrase
The ONLY editor
To use the email button, you must replace "lastname" with my last name (sans apostrophe) and add a ".org" on the end.